
Omega Centauri is the largest star cluster in the night sky.

Here are some cool facts about this object:

  1. Distance: Omega Centauri is located approximately 15,800 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Centaurus.
  2. Size and mass: The cluster spans about 150 light-years in diameter and contains around 10 million stars, with an estimated total mass of about 4 million solar masses.
  3. Age: Omega Centauri is estimated to be around 12 billion years old, making it one of the oldest known globular clusters in the Milky Way.
  4. Stellar populations: The cluster features multiple generations of stars with different ages and chemical compositions. This diversity is uncommon for globular clusters, which typically consist of a single, uniform population of stars.
  5. Possible dwarf galaxy remnant: Some astronomers believe that Omega Centauri may be the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that was disrupted and absorbed by the Milky Way. This theory is supported by the cluster’s size, mass, and unusual stellar populations.
  6. Black hole candidate: Observations of the cluster’s core have revealed a possible intermediate-mass black hole, with an estimated mass of around 40,000 solar masses. However, this finding is still debated among astronomers.
  7. Visibility: Omega Centauri is visible from the Southern Hemisphere and can be seen with the naked eye under dark skies. It appears as a faint, fuzzy star-like object to the unaided observer but reveals its true nature when viewed through a telescope or captured in long-exposure photographs.

Dates: 24 Apr 2023


Antlia Blue Pro: 30×60″(30′)

Antlia Green Pro: 30×60″(30′)

Antlia Luminance Pro: 115×60″(1h 55′)

Antlia Red Pro: 30×60″(30′)

Integration: 3h 25′

RA center: 13h26m50s.38

DEC center: -47°28′41″.2

Pixel scale: 1.307 arcsec/pixel

Orientation: -179.799 degrees

Field radius: 0.777 degrees

Resolution: 3427×2565

Locations: Bentleigh, Victoria, Australia

Sky Plot